Pre-K Info
WCUUSD Information for 2025-2026 Preschool
Online registration opens Monday, February 3, 2025
The Washington Central Unified Union School District offers 10 hours per week of Preschool services to district students ages 3 & 4 years old, as required by Act 166. The district, through Community Connections, also offers a childcare option to help families by offering extended care to provide a full school day option.
Preschools will be offered at the following schools*
- Berlin Elementary
- Doty Memorial School
- Calais Elementary
- East Montpelier Elementary
- Rumney Memorial School
*Registration and final enrollment numbers may necessitate combining programs to create a robust cohort for educational purposes. If necessary, the location will be determined at a later date.
Please consider signing up for the Meet & Greet or Preschool Screening at the school in your area. The phone number for your local school is below on this page.
Pre-K Registration, Meet and Greet and, Screening information:
- If your child is already registered in Pre-K at Berlin, Calais, Doty, East Montpelier, or Rumney, you do not need to complete the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year registration process . If you are interested in Community Connections programming before or after the school-based program, please contact Kim Bolduc at or (802) 223-7936 x 305.
- If you are registering your child for the first time, you must complete the entire online registration process before your child is placed for 2025-2026. Please click on the computer icon titled "Online Registration" located below the picture on the district's website, and choose the 25-26 option. Please remember to download (either here or during the online registration process) the required Pre-K Health Examination form and submit to the WCUUSD Registrar if you are registering to attend one of our schools Pre-K. This must be completed by April 1st or within two weeks of completing registration.
- If your child was enrolled as a Pre-K student in 2024-2025 in a private program and you wish to continue in a private program, you only need to complete the 2025-2026 Act 166 : Universal Prekindergarten Tuition Request form. Please email it to Tim Couture at WCUUSDRegistrar ( or send it to your elementary school in the town of residence.
- If you are a resident of Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex or Worcester and registering for public Pre-K in your local elementary school, please complete the online registration process by Friday, March 28th, if possible. While registration is ongoing, we strongly encourage families to register their children by March 28th so that we can make informed decisions about programming and staffing needs in order to offer timely placements for families. Please note: Returning students are offered a placement first. Placement priority is then given to incoming 4-year-olds who have registered by March 28th in order of registration date. All other Pre-K placements are first come first served, and our programs have limited space.
- If your student is currently attending the Prekindergarten program at Berlin, Calais, Doty, East Montpelier, or Rumney and intends to enroll in an ACT 166 private Prekindergarten program, you only need to complete the 2025-2026 Act 166: Universal Prekindergarten Tuition Request Form and return it to the school or email it to WCUUSD Registrar.
- If you have a student already enrolled in our district schools and need to enroll a sibling in Pre-K, you can do this through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal under “More” and “Online Registration”.
- Please note that due to child care regulations, each prekindergarten student must have at least 2 emergency contacts that are not parents/guardians that can pick up the student from school. For returning prekindergarten students, you can update this information in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal under “More” and “Demographics”. You can add emergency contacts or update your information.
- If you need help accessing the parent portal, please contact Tim Couture at
- If you are not a resident of Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex or Worcester and want an Act 166 placement, please note that we prioritize residents and will not be able to offer out-of-district placements until at least mid-August, when we are sure that we have served all district Pre-K families who would like to enroll.
- If you are a parent of a Pre-K student and you are registering for a private Pre-K program through Act 166, please note the following:
- WCUUSD registration form:
-You must include at least two emergency contacts who are NOT a parent or guardian.
-Pre-K 3 is for students who are 3-years-old on or before September 1, 2025. Pre-K 4 is for students who are 4- or 5-years old (5-years-old and not enrolled in Kindergarten) on or before September 1, 2025. - Feel free to direct any questions about Pre-K registration and/or Act 166 to Kim Bolduc, Coordinator of Early Education and Expanded Learning Opportunities, at Please include the school you are trying to register at in your details. Thank you.
WCUUSD Online Registration Link
PreK Screening
- Yearly we assess the current health data and will offer a play-based Pre-K introductory meeting during the spring.
- In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns about your child's development, please feel free to contact Julia Pritchard , Director of Special Services, at 229-0553 x1308.
We have scheduled Pre-K play-based meet and greet and screening opportunities for each school. Please contact your local school for more information and to reserve a spot.
Berlin: Wednesday, May 14th call 802-223-2796
Calais: Thursday, May 1st call 802-454-7777
Doty/Rumney (located at Rumney) Friday, May 9th call 802-223-5656 (Doty) or 802-223-5429 (Rumney)
East Montpelier: Tuesday, May 20th, call 802-223-7936
Community Connections
** CC Information for 2025-2026 Pre-K Registration will be available in May**
Community Connections Pre-kindergarten is a licensed program open at each of the local schools. It offers a school-based Preschool program to help meet the needs of district families during the work week so that your child(ren), ages 3-5, have childcare that works for your family's weekly schedule.
Community Connections has run programming for twenty- four (24) years and Pre-Kindergarten fifteen (15) of those years. Our staff is highly trained and we collaborate closely with the school staff to make Pre-K and all transitions a good experience for your child(ren).
We operate every day that the school-based Pre-K programs are open. Each school has a slightly different schedule constructed around the hours the school-based programs operate, and established around the availability of space and staff. Most schools have a full day/full week option of childcare for families.
Please visit the Washington Central website ( for online Pre-Kindergarten Registration. I will work with the district and schools to post the details for this fall through a link to Community Connections (CC) or to each school’s website for CC. That link will provide information that gives a complete schedule and cost for the services we provide, Examples of current costs and programming can be found in the links below or contact Kim. The current year postings happen in July each year.
For the upcoming school year, returning students are given placement first. New students are enrolled at the time of the Meet and Greet. Placement priority is given to incoming 4-year olds and then 3-year olds. Final placement confirmations will be completed in August.
Stay safe and be well. We look forward to seeing you and your child in the fall.
Best Regards,
Kimberly J. L. Bolduc
Community Connections Director
802/223-3456 cell
802/223-7936 x305 office
Forms are updated annually in July.
Information regarding CC PreK at Berlin Elementary School 24-25
Information regarding CC PreK at Calais Elementary School 24-25
Information regarding CC PreK at East Montpelier Elementary School 24-25
Information regarding CC PreK at Rumney Elementary School 24-25
Current School Year Information
Fast Facts
1. Whether you are enrolling in a private Pre-K program via Act 166 or in your local public school Pre-K program for the first time, you must complete the online registration process. (Click on the computer icon titled "Online Registration" located on the bottom below the first picture on this website.)
2. If your child is currently enrolled in one of our public Pre-K programs, you do not need to do anything.
3. If your child is currently enrolled in a private Pre-K program via Act 166 and you completed the online enrollment last year, you only need to complete the 2024-2025 Act 166: Universal Prekindergarten Tuition Request form.
4. If your child is currently attending a private Pre-K program via Act 166 and you wish to enroll your student in the school Pre-K program, please complete the online registration. You do not need to resubmit residency or proof of age as it was submitted in the prior year.
5. If you are enrolling in a private Pre-K program via Act 166, please note that we cannot enter an agreement with the provider for your child until ALL of your required paperwork has been submitted online using the icon located at the bottom right below the first picture in this website. Failure to ensure that all required paperwork is on file in a timely manner may result in withholding of any tuition discount.
6. If your child will be exiting either our public Pre-K program or a private Pre-K partner program before the end of the school year, please complete the Student Exit Form and return it to the administrative assistant at the school in your child's town of residence.
7. When communicating regarding your registration questions, please include the school you are trying to register at in your details. Thank you